A psychological thriller, a mental game that unfolds within two parallel stories and in three different time frames. The Boys' (young and old) and the woman's (the narrator and psychiatrist) who deals with the sole survivor of a collective suicide.
In 1975, five 11 year-olds public school boys went on a school trip to a summer camp in Greece. There, provoked by one of the local teenagers, they committed a crime which they kept secret.
25 years later, that secret comes back to haunt them.
The 35mm film premiered at Thessaloniki International Film Festival in the New Horizons Section to critical acclaim.
Funded by the Greek Film Centre, Amy International, Red Box Productions and Inventome, the film was edited by award-winning editor Adam Recht. ( My week with Marylin, Poldark, Victoria). Music by Robert Hartshorne.
Feature Film
35mm Film, Drama, 90 mins
Written & Directed by Katerina Philippou-Curtis